yagi - Yagi-Uda project antenna current calculator


     yagi [ - dhps ] filename


     The program yagi is one of a number of  executable  programs
     that  forms part of a set of programs, collectively known as
     the Yagi-Uda project , which were designed for analysis  and
     optimisation  of  Yagi-Uda  antennas.  yagi  calculates  the
     currents at the centre of each element at one or  more  fre-
     quencies, as specified in the input file.



     -d   Display element currents. When this option is  used,  a
          bar  graph  with  up to 70 stars (*) is used to display
          the absolute magnitude of  the  element  currents.  The
          element  with  the greatest element current has 70 *'s,
          all others have a corresponding smaller number, depend-
          ing on the their relative current. The element current,
          normallised to the maximum, is also shown as a 4  digit
          floating point number.

     -h   Print a help message.

     -p   Print the Z matrix.  The  Z  matrix  is  the  impedance
          matrix,  showing  the self impedance of the elements on
          the diagonal and the mutual impedance off the diagonal.

     -s   Suppress all diagnostic output. By default, the program
          print the percentage of the job completed.

          is the name of the file containing the antenna descrip-
          tion.  It  is  expected  to  be  in a format created by
          either input or first  -  two  other  programs  in  the
          Yagi-Uda  project.  This  is  an  ASCII  text file. The
          antenna currents are written  to  a  file  filename.out
          which  is  a binary file. It is not intended to be read
          by humans.


     I'm not aware of any limitations, apart from that filenames,
     including full path, can't exceed 90 characters.


     filename.out       Binary data file


     first(1),  input(1),   output(1),   optimise(1),   first(5),
     input(5), output(5) and optimise(5).


     Both DOS and Unix versions have been built. The DOS  version
     as  distributed requires a 386 PC with a 387 maths coproces-


     Bugs should be reported  to   Bugs
     tend  actually to be fixed if they can be isolated, so it is
     in your interest to report them in such a way that they  can
     be  easily reproduced.  If the input file is edited manually
     and done incorrectly, there can be unpredictable results.


     Dr. David Kirkby G8WRB (, with  help
     with   converting   to   DOS   from   Dr.   Joe   Mack  NA3T

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