If you run it with no arguments, it will indicate how to use it.
sparrow /export/home/drkirkby/yagiuda-1.19/src % dipole Usage: frequency(MHz) length(m) diamater(mm)
To find the self impedance of a dipole at 432MHz, that is 328 mm wide
(0.328 m) and 8 mm in diameter we use:
sparrow /export/home/drkirkby/yagiuda-1.19/src % dipole 432 0.328 8 Self impedance of a dipole: 432.000000 MHz, length 0.328000 m, diameter 8.000000 mm, is Z = 62.043935 +8.655026 jX Ohms
sparrow /export/home/drkirkby/yagiuda-1.19/src % dipole 432 0.3315 4 Self impedance of a dipole: 432.000000 MHz, length 0.331500 m, diameter 4.000000 mm, is Z = 63.928639 +8.762789 jX Ohms